Sunday, April 11, 2010

New to the Blogosphere

I've been wanting to test out a blog of my own for a while now. My friend Marie and her husband Paul have one that helps me stay in the know about their life, travels and home renovations while they're on the East Coast and I live here on the West with my husband, Zack. I have never been really good about keeping a diary current and up-to-date. I guess, life just gets too hectic or maybe I just lose interest in putting pen to paper. Hopefully, I will do better in this format.

It's really been a transitional couple of years for me. I moved to San Diego in December 2006 for work. I was a journalist and I got a gig at Channel 8 as an associate producer. Less than a year later, Zack proposed while we were on vacay in Cancun. A year after that on November 2, 2008, Zack and I got married. Here we are :-).

We now live in an awesome condo in Hillcrest near historic Balboa Park, the San Diego Zoo and Sea World. We also have a fabulously hilarious little guinea pig named Chip. Isn't he cute?

I had just started a new job right before I got married, only to get laid off just a few short months later. To make matters more complicated, I had a skiing accident a few months after the layoff that busted my ACL (leading to surgery and months of physical therapy). All this craziness left me a little frazzled. Eventually, it also forced me to make a drastic, positive life change. I decided that it was time to pursue another profession. I began prepping for a doctorate in Audiology. I'm hearing impaired and have been since birth. My personal experience with hearing loss has also made me interested in the field.
After completing several pre-reqs, I applied and was accepted into the joint doctoral program in Audiology offered by SDSU and UCSD. I start this fall! I am extremely excited. And, viola, that's the story behind the title of this blog!

1 comment:

  1. I'm happy that you started this, and I hope you keep it up! =) I'm already behind on mine, but I always feel refreshed when I get caught up. So I will, and then we can enjoy reviewing memories that we sometimes forget about.
